Ecuador - a Climbing Guide

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A guide to climbing twenty of Ecuador's major peaks including ten of the famous volcanoes, many of them by more than one route.

Ecuador - a Climbing Guide

Ecuador - a Climbing Guide
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A guide to climbing twenty of Ecuador's major peaks including ten of the famous volcanoes, many of them by more than one route.
Covers: Chiles, Cotacachi, Mojanda, Gagua Pichincha, Ilinizas, Carihuairazo, Chimborazo, Imbabura, Cayambe, Sara Urcu, Antisana, Sincholagua, Rumiñahui, Cotopaxi, Quilindaña, Hermoso, Tungurahua, El Altar, Sangay.
Includes advice on preparations, local transport, supplies, climbing resources, and health.
Monchrome photos, photodiagrams and maps.
By the late Yossi Brain.
Card cover, 21cm x 13.5cm, 191 pages.
Published 2000.
ISBN: 1-871890-13-6.

ISBN: 1-871890-13-6.

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