Biographies & Other Books

Autobiographical and biographical climbing memoirs arranged in alphabetical order by title, along with histories, coffee-table books, humour and fiction.

Climbing Days: Dorothy Pilley
Climbing Days
1 In Stock

Autobiography of one of the greatest female British mountaineers.

1 In Stock

Famous Brit mountaineer Nick Bullock's first book.

Eleri - Rage against Austerity
Eleri - Rage against Austerity
2 In Stock

A novel with a plot set in the climbing world of North Wales.

Excelsior - Seeking the Beyond
Excelsior - Seeking the Beyond
1 In Stock

An unusual and well written romance set in Chamonix in the 1980s.

Feet in the Clouds
Feet in the Clouds
1 In Stock

Richard Askwith, investigates the arcane culture of fell running.

1 In Stock

Gordon Stainforth and his twin brother John set off to climb one of the highest rock faces in Europe.

Freedom Climbers
Freedom Climbers
1 In Stock

The story of a group of extraordinary Polish adventurers who became the world's leading Himalayan climbers.

Full of Myself
Full of Myself
1 In Stock

Autobiography of Johnny Dawes, one of the foremost British rock climbers of the '80s and '90s.

Hanging On
Hanging On
1 In Stock

Autobiography of Martin Boysen, one of Britain's outstanding rock climbers.

Harold Raeburn: The Steps of a Giant
Harold Raeburn: The Steps of a Giant
1 In Stock

Biography of Harold Raeburn, one of Scotland's greatest ever mountaineers.

Hard Rock
Hard Rock
3 In Stock

Hard Rock is one of the absolute classic books of British rock climbing.

Heart of Lakeland
Heart of Lakeland
10 + In Stock

Classic tales of pre First World War climbing and mountaineering in the Lake District.

High Endeavours - The Life and Legend of Robin Smith
High Endeavours - The Life and Legend of Robin Smith
1 In Stock

Star climber Robin Smith's life was tragically cut short at the age of 23, but he had already made a name for himself.

High Infatuation
High Infatuation
1 In Stock

Autobiography of Steph Davis.

High Risk
High Risk
1 In Stock

The golden age of Himalayan mountaineering, from the mid 1970s to the 1980s.

Higher Ground
Higher Ground
1 In Stock

Autobiography of Martin Moran who was a mountain guide based in Strathcarron, Wester Ross.

How Hard Can It Be?
How Hard Can It Be?
1 In Stock

Nick Wharton's climbing and other adventures.

I'm Alan Hubbard, who are you?
I'm Alan Hubbard, who are you?
6 In Stock

Biography of climbing octogenarian Alan Hubbard.

In Some Lost Place
In Some Lost Place
1 In Stock

The most outstanding Himalayan ascent of the century - the giant Mazeno Ridge on Nanga Parbat.

Into Thin Air
Into Thin Air
1 In Stock

John Krakauer's rivetting account of the terrible 1996 storm on Everest in which eight climbers died.

It's a Hill, Get Over It
It's a Hill, Get Over It
1 In Stock

A detailed history of the sport of fell running.

Jerry Moffat - Revelations
Jerry Moffat - Revelations
1 In Stock

Enjoyable biography of Jerry Moffat by the humorous Niall Grimes.

Judgement Days
Judgement Days
1 In Stock

Tom Richardson's story of climbing in the Himalaya and Karakoram over more than thirty years.

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