Brand : Buffalo

<div> <strong><a href="" target="_blank">Buffalo</a></strong>, and more specifically, the Double-P system was the inspiration of &nbsp;Hamish Hamilton, an inventor of inspired enthusiasm.</div> <div> &nbsp;</div> <div> Once upon a time Hamish worked for Vango and in the mid-sixties gave tent design a quantum leap with the invention of the Force Ten.</div> <div> &nbsp;</div> <div> Buffalo sleeping bags and latterly clothing arose from experiments to reproduce, in modern materials, Eskimo use of animal fur. The then relatively new fibre piles being used by HeIly Hansen and Javelin provided the perfect fur and a search for an up to date version of Ventile produced Pertex.</div> <div> &nbsp;</div> <div> The big manufacturers were unimpressed however and, reluctantly Hamish chucked in the day job, sold up the house and put his money where his ideas where. Thankfully, it seems to have paid off - &quot;from total disbelief to undisputed acceptance by thousands of people in five years&quot; as the ads say.&nbsp;</div> <div> &nbsp;</div> <div> Hamish has long since sold up the company but his philosophy lives on with the new owners and Buffalo is noteworthy for being one of the very few outdoor clothing brands still manufacturing in the UK.</div> <div> &nbsp;</div> <div> For more about Buffalo Clothing and how it works, please see our <strong><a href="" target="_blank">Buffalo Clothing Advice Page</a></strong>.</div> <div> &nbsp;</div>
Buffalo Baby Buff Red
Buffalo Baby Buff Red
1 In Stock

Ideal snuggly kit for the baby/youngster whose parents take them into the great outdoors.

Buffalo DP Hood
BuffaloRoyalSwatch BuffaloPurpleSwatch BuffaloNatoSwatch BuffaloCharcoalSwatch BuffaloBlackSwatch
Buffalo DP Hood
4 In Stock

Hood made of Pertex with a pile lining that Velcros onto any Buffalo Shirt or Jacket.

Buffalo DP Mitts Black
BuffaloBlackSwatch BuffaloPurpleSwatch
Buffalo DP Mitts
6 In Stock
Simple mitts that are incredibly light and effective.
Buffalo Men's Alpine Jacket
Buffalo Men's Alpine Jacket Buffalo Men's Alpine Jacket
Buffalo Men's Alpine Jacket
From £292.00
2 In Stock

The Buffalo Alpine Jacket is similar to the Buffalo Belay Jack but with a fixed hood with less insulation.

Buffalo Men's Belay Jacket Black with Red Zips
BuffaloBlackRedZipSwatch BuffaloBlackBlackZipSwatch
Buffalo Men's Belay Jacket
2 In Stock
The Belay Jacket is simple, lightweight and functional. Pull it straight on over any buffalo shirt when you are cold.
Buffalo Men's Big Face Shirt Royal/Black
Buffalo Men's Big Face Shirt Royal/Black
1 In Stock
Buffalo's Big Face Shirt is brilliant for all types of winter climbing.
Buffalo Men's Mountain Shirt Royal
BuffaloRoyalSwatch BuffaloCharcoalSwatch
Buffalo Men's Mountain Shirt
3 In Stock
Designed for walking and general mountaineering.
Buffalo Men's Special 6 Shirt Olive Green
BuffaloNatoSwatch BuffaloBlackSwatch
Buffalo Men's Special 6 Shirt
2 In Stock
Designed for walking and general mountaineering, the Special Six Shirt is a slightly longer version of the Mountain Shirt.
Buffalo Special 6 Trousers Black
Buffalo Men's Special 6 Trousers Black
From £187.00
1 In Stock
A Double P trouser with full length side zips. Made from fibre pile and what was known as Pertex 6
Buffalo Men's Teclite Shirt Black
Buffalo Men's Teclite Shirt Black
2 In Stock
A tough well featured windproof pull on with a thin wicking lining.
Buffalo Patched HA Salopettes
Buffalo Patched HA Salopettes
2 In Stock
The bee's knees in terms of warmth on those blustery north-facing stances. Half-Zip and Full-Zip.
Buffalo Supporters Black
Buffalo Supporters Black
1 In Stock
Fiendishly uncomfortable and bizarre looking creations in shiny black Pertex and fluffy black pile.
Buffalo Teclite Gilet Black
Buffalo Teclite Gilet Black
2 In Stock
A classic lined gilet with a Pertex outer and 'Teclite' micro-pile lining.
Buffalo Teclite Salopettes Black
Buffalo Teclite Salopettes Black
Out of Stock
Full length side-zip salopettes for those who prefer lighter weight salopettes.
Buffalo Teclite Trousers Black
Buffalo Teclite Trousers Black
1 In Stock
Lightweight cold weather trousers for the serious or professional outdoor person.
Buffalo Windshirt Royal
BuffaloRoyalSwatch BuffaloPurpleSwatch
Buffalo Windshirt
1 In Stock
A very effective ultralight windproof layer that allows your body to breathe far more than a "breathable" waterproof.
Buffalo Women's Alpine Jacket
Buffalo Women's Alpine Jacket Buffalo Women's Alpine Jacket
Buffalo Women's Alpine Jacket
2 In Stock

The Buffalo Alpine Jacket is similar to the Buffalo Belay Jack but with a fixed hood with less insulation.

Buffalo Women's Mountain Shirt Purple
BuffaloPurpleSwatch BuffaloCharcoalSwatch
Buffalo Women's Mountain Shirt
3 In Stock
Designed for walking and general mountaineering.
Buffalo Expedition Hood Black
Expedition Hood Black One Size
3 In Stock
Designed for winter ice climbers, the Expedition Hood features a wired visor and in situ mouth guard.

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