On these pages are listed the most common MSR spare parts for MSR stoves that have been imported into the UK. The MSR spare catalogue must run to thousands of items though, so if you are after something more obscure, please contact us - we may be able to obtain it for you. We carry parts for the stoves listed below plus a few gas stoves.

XGK: The original MSR expedition stove that will burn almost anything, but only at full throttle! A brilliant snow melter and easily maintained in the field, it was replaced by the XGK EX in 2005.

XGK EX: MSR's current expedition stove with all the good characteristics of the XGK (ie it will burn anything and can melt snow in large volumes) combine with a flexible fuel pipe.

DragonFly: The DragonFly can burn almost as many fuels as the XGK EX but not quite as well when it comes to poor contaminated fuels. It can simmer though, something that the XGK models are useless at.

WhisperLite: Huge numbers and many models of these stoves have been made over the years. The most important recent models are: WhisperLite Universal, the current model of petrol and paraffin (white gas and kerosene) burning stove that also can burn canister gas in a butane/propane mix, WhisperLite International, the current model of petrol and paraffin (white gas and kerosene) burning stove, and WhisperLite 600, the earlier version of the International - it has wire legs as opposed to pressed steel ones. Most parts, except jets, are identical for all versions.

Pumps: All MSR liquid fuel stoves work in conjunction with the Standard Duraseal Pump except for the DragonFly which has its own DragonFly Duraseal Pump. These pumps work with all MSR Stoves whatever vintage, but spares are also available for older pumps.

MSR LowDown Remote Stove Adapter
MSR LowDown Remote Stove Adapter
Save 10%
4 In Stock

An upgrade for nearly all MSR canister stoves that adds stability and security.

MSR Reactor Hanging Kit
MSR Reactor Hanging Kit
1 In Stock
A very light and compact hanging kit for the MSR Reactor stove constructed almost entirely of cable.
MSR Windboiler Hanging Kit
MSR Windboiler/Windburner Hanging Kit
1 In Stock

Simple hanging kit for the WindBurner (was WindBoiler) stove.

MSR Universal Canister Stand
MSR Universal Canister Stand
1 In Stock

Folding gas canister stand that gives added stability when cooking with gas stoves.

MSR Inverted Canister Stand
MSR Inverted Canister Stand
10 + In Stock

Enables MSR gas stoves to work better in cold conditions by inverting the canister.

MSR Expedition Service Kit
MSR Expedition Service Kit
1 In Stock

Comprehensive maintenance and repair kit specific to each MSR liquid-fuel stove and pump.

MSR Annual Maintenance Kit
MSR Annual Maintenance Kit
1 In Stock

Simple spares kit for any MSR liquid-fuel stove and stove pump.

MSR Fuel Bottle
MSR Fuel Bottle
From £23.00
3 In Stock

Fuel bottles specific to the threads on MSR fuel pumps and to high pressure.

MSR Child-Resistant Fuel Bottle Cap
MSR Child-Resistant Fuel Bottle Cap
3 In Stock

Push-down-and-twist child-resistant cap is compatible with all recent MSR liquid fuel bottles.

MSR Expedition Fuel Bottle Cap
MSR Expedition Fuel Bottle Cap (419135)
Out of Stock

The original MSR fuel bottle cap with O-ring washer.

MSR Trillium Stove Base
MSR Trillium Stove Base
1 In Stock

Super little folding stove base that fits all MSR stoves and gives extra stability especially on snow.

MSR Windscreen and Heat Reflector
MSR Windscreen and Heat Reflector
3 In Stock

Heavy duty foil windshield and circular heat reflector for use with all MSR liquid fuel stoves.

MSR Jet Cleaning Wire
MSR Jet Cleaning Wire (429171)
10 + In Stock

A pricker for non-shaker jet stoves. But well worth taking with all stoves in case it gets really blocked up.

MSR Jet and Cable Tool
MSR Jet and Cable Tool (419291)
1 In Stock

Current version of the simple stove tool that comes with MSR stoves.

MSR Jet and Cable Tool (old version)
MSR Jet and Cable Tool (old version, 419291)
10 + In Stock

An older version of the simple stove tool that comes with MSR stoves.

MSR Duraseal Standard Fuel Pump
MSR Duraseal Standard Fuel Pump
4 In Stock

Robust pump unit for use with all MSR liquid fuel stoves except the DragonFly.

MSR Duraseal DragonFly Fuel Pump
MSR Duraseal DragonFly Fuel Pump
1 In Stock
Robust pump unit with good simmering ability for use with MSR DragonFly stoves.
MSR Duraseal Arctic Fuel Pump
MSR Duraseal Arctic Fuel Pump
Out of Stock

A special pump with extra-robust seals for temperatures below freezing.

MSR Pump Cup Oil
MSR Pump Cup Oil (318631)
10 + In Stock

Tiny tube (20ml at a guess) of oil for Pump Cup Washers.

MSR Pump Plunger Assembly for Duraseal Pumps
MSR Pump Plunger Assembly for Duraseal Pumps (418809)
5 In Stock
Replacement Pump Plunger Assembly for Duraseal Pumps.
MSR Flanged Pump Plunger Assembly for Old Pumps
MSR Flanged Pump Plunger Assembly for Old Pumps (318638F)
Out of Stock
Replacement Pump Plunger Assembly for non-Duraseal Pumps with grey bodies made after 1984.
MSR Rubber Pump Cup Washer
MSR Rubber Pump Cup Washer (418823)
10 In Stock

Rubber Pump Cup Washer as fitted to Duraseal Pumps. Can replace old leather washers.

MSR Duraseal Fuel Pump Seal
MSR Duraseal Fuel Pump Seal (418831)
4 In Stock

Seals the end of the Duraseal Pump at the point where it screws onto the fuel bottle.

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